1. How much money is available (ESF+national funding)?

  • At least €59 million is available for offers and measures in the funding period 2014-2020. Around € 87 million is available for offers and measures in 2021. The amount available for 2022 will be calculated according to the economic performance.

2. What are the goals of this investment priority?

  • Improving the educational perspectoves for young adults who are especially hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Supporting persons who are strongly affected by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic in  (re-)integrating into the labour market

3. Which measures are possible?

  • Educational sector
    • Additional support offers for pupils for digital schooling opportunities
    • social work at schools
    • video-interpretation offers improving the educational cooperation at schools and kindergartens
    • outside of school projects for more digital learning opportunities
  • young adults
    • Youth coaching
    • ‘Fit for Training’ – projects
    • Vocational training assistance
    • Work assistance for young people
    • preparations for vocational education
    • qualification in future-oriented professions (health care, green jobs, etc.)
  • lifelong learning and porfessional skills
    • qualifications for disadvantaged persons or those with low levels of education
    • Increasing the skills and qualifications of persons in those fields which are indispensable for a modern knowledge-based society (such as information and communications technology and environment-related knowledge)
  • employment for jobseekers
    • for example socio-economic enterprises

4. Which possible target groups are addressed?

  • Persons with a low level of qualifications
  • People with special needs
  • Young people
  • Migrants and members of minorities
  • women
  • jobseekers
  • parents

5. Who realises the plans?

  • Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
  • Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection,  Division IV/A/6, Sozialministeriumservice
  • The provinces (Bundesländer)