Euroscepticism & EU Cohesion Policy

22. Oktober 2019, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr wiiw, Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Vienna, library Wiener Institut für internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche

Präsentation der Studie: Euroscepticism and EU Cohesion Policy: The Impact of Micro-Level Policy Effectiveness on Voting Behavior

von Julia Bachtrögler (WIFO)

This study investigates whether there is a link between the successful implementation of European cohesion policy and vote shares of eurosceptic parties. Using the French presidential elections in 2017 as a case study, we do not solely consider regional funds expenditures but also its induced effects in a region as potential determinants of pro-European or eurosceptic voting behavior.

In order to measure the effectiveness of EU structural funds and cohesion fund assignment, firm-level employment effects in French regions stemming from project allocation during the multi-annual financial framework 2007-2013 are estimated. The obtained average treatment effects are, in a next step, used together with other regional characteristics to capture the citizens’ perceived exposure to the EU in an empirical voting model for the French presidential election in 2017.

The estimation results reveal a significant negative relationship between the effectiveness of EU funds allocation and the vote share of the eurosceptic candidate Marine Le Pen.


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