AccessibleEU European event – Your role in making Higher Education more accessible and inclusive

29. August 2023, 09:30 - 13:30 Uhr Centre de Colloques du Campus Condorcet, Paris AccessibleEU

AccessibleEU, within the framework of the 17th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) has organised a workshop that aims to be a space for exchanging knowledge and good practices to advance the implementation of accessibility in Higher Education.

Specifically, the workshop organised jointly between AccessibleEU and AAATE will provide the different actors within the educational institutions with the required tools and knowledge to comply with the fundamental principles of Design for All (Universal Design) required by European rules. The goal is to enable educators to train future representatives of society on how to address the challenges people with disabilities may face in their professional activities.

Anmeldung auf der Seite der Europäischen Kommission

Opening session

9.30 – Introduction to AccessibleEU Centre and its role in promoting accessibility in Higher Education at European level

Chair: Jesus Hernández. AccessibleEU Director

  • Inmaculada Placencia. Senior Expert in Disability and Inclusion. European Commission.
  • Georgios Kouroupetroglou. AAATE President. Greece
  • Pierre Crescenzo. APACHES President. France


10.00 – Panel 1: Ensuring inclusive education for all

Chair: Katerina Mavrou. European University of Cyprus.Cyprus.

  • Marie- Pierre Toubhans. Institut national supérieur de formation et de recherche pour l’éducation des jeunes handicapés et les enseignements adaptés (INS HEA). France.
  • Alice Ribeiro. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP). Head of Inclusion Office. Portugal.

11.00 – Coffee break

11.30 – Panel 2: Accessibility in university institutions. Good practices

Chair: Dominique Archambault. University Paris 8. Paris

  • Gerald Craddock and Donal Fitzpatrick. Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD). Ireland.
  • Boris Janča. MUNI TEIRESIÁS . Support Centre for Students with Special Needs. Czech Republic.
  • Pierre Crescenzo. APACHES . Vicepresident of University Nice-Cote d’Azur. France.

12.30 – Panel 3: Implementing accessibility in university curricula

Chair: Klaus Miesenberger. ATHENA Project. Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Austria

  • Silvio Pagliara. AAATE. Warwick University. England.
  • Cesare Sangiorgi. University of Bologna (UNIBO). Italy.
  • Richard Manton. Registrar at Professional Body for Engineers in Ireland. Ireland.

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